أخبار مهمةالرئيسية

تبحث سفارة الولايات المتحدة عن عامل صيانة براتب 121 مليون


تبحث سفارة الولايات المتحدة عن عامل صيانة براتب 121 مليون

تبحث سفارة الولايات المتحدة عن عامل صيانة براتب 121 مليون

بحث سفارة الولايات المتحدة عن عامل صيانة براتب سنوي يقدر ب 1,219,668 دينار جزائري، تتطلب هذه الوظيفة الشروط أدناه:
خبرة لمدة عام في مجال التلحيم والسمكرة والنجارة أو أعمال البناء,
مستوى تعليم إبتدائي بالإضافة إلى تعليم مهني في مجال الصيانة,
اللغات: مستوى 1 في اللغة الإنجليزية كتابة وتحدثا، ومستوى 3 في اللغتين العربية والفرنسية,
رخصة سياقة صالحة من صنف “ب” – مركبة خفيفة.
الرابط التسجيل والتقديم 
We are hiring! The US Embassy is looking for a General Trades Assistant, and is offering an annual salary of 1,219,668 Algerian Dinars. Requirements include:
– One yer experience in welding, plumbing, carpentry, painting, or masonry.
– Primary schooling and completion of vocational school in a trade discipline.
– Language: Level 1 in written and spoken English and level 3 in French/Arabic language skills.
– Valid driving license Cat B (light vehicle).

All applications must be submitted through ERA to be considered. 

In order to assist you in understanding how to create an account and successfully apply for the job(s) in which you are interested, we have provided a step-by-step video, as well as guidance documents for each stage of the process. These can be found on the right sidebar of this webpage.

For more information, once in ERA, please click on the vacancy that interests you and review all the information about it, like duties and qualifications required.

Applicants will receive correspondence for testing processes and/or interviews via email from ERA; please be sure to provide a correct email address and review your spam or junk folder as sometimes the system notification goes into these folders.

The Embassy Human Resources Office is unable to acknowledge the receipt of your documents due to the high volume of applications received. If you do not receive a notification email from ERA within four weeks of the vacancy announcement’s closing day, it is likely that you did not qualify for the position or did not submit a complete package.


Where can I apply?

Anywhere that has an internet connection and a computer.

What should I review before applying

Overseas Employees will demonstrate the Eight Qualities of Overseas Employees or characteristics essential for being a successful member of the United States Embassy, Consulate, or Mission.  Please read the entire Vacancy Announcement to ensure you meet all Eligibility and Qualification requirements.  All required documentation, as mentioned in the Vacancy Announcement, must be included (uploaded) at the time of application.

Please send any questions to USEmbassyAlgiers_applications@state.gov

المدون محمد عبدو

كاتب الموقع لديه خبرة واسعة في مجال التوظيف ويقوم بنشر إعلانات التوظيف والمسابقات الجديدة بشكل يومي من مصادر موثوقة

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